Inkscape window
Inkscape window

inkscape window inkscape window

Select and object then click a color to change its fill color. The stroke color outlines the object and the fill color fills its interior. Objects have a fill color and a stroke color. You can quickly issue a command by clicking its icon.Į) Color Selector: Use this bar to change the color of objects. Tool options appear here.ĭ) Command Bar: Icons for popular commands appear on the command bar. You can hover over a tool with your mouse pointer to find out what its shortcut key is.ĭouble-click the tool to set your tool preferences.Ĭ) Tool Control Bar: Each tool has options you can set. You use them to create your image.Ĭlick the tool or press the tool's shortcut to select it. Where you see the same icon on a Command bar, you can click it to invoke the command instead of using the menu.ī) Drawing and Editing Tools: These are your tools. To the left of many menu options are icons. You can select an object and then press Ctrl + C to copy instead of using the menu. For example, if you click Edit, a menu will appear and you will see Ctrl + C to the right of Copy. You can press the short cut keys to invoke the command. To the right of many menu options are shortcut keys. I based this explanation on the Default option.Ī) Menu Bar: Click any item on the Menu Bar and a drop-down menu will appear. You can change the layout of your window by clicking View on the menu bar and then on the drop-down menu that appears clicking either Default, Custom, or Wide. You use this window to interact with the software-you draw in it and you use it to tell Inkscape what to do. When you open Inkscape, Inkscape presents you with the Inkscape window.

inkscape window

I just want you to have a basic understanding. I want to start by introducing you to the Inkscape window. Author: Sharlie Last modified: March 13 2019

Inkscape window